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Spanish Ministry

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About the Spanish Ministry

The Spanish Evangelism Ministry will provide leadership, tools and support to evangelize the Spanish-speaking population in the Texico District. It will also serve to promote the programs and activities of the UPCI among the Spanish-speaking congregations. SEM will:
  1. Encourage and support evangelism and discipleship of Spanish-speaking people in New Mexico and West Texas.
  2. Encourage the starting of new congregations that minister in the Spanish language.
  3. Assist in training and equipping Spanish-speaking ministers.
  4. Assist non-Spanish speaking ministers and churches to reach out to Spanish-speaking people with the gospel.
  5. Assist Spanish-speaking believers, ministers and churches in functioning as integral members of the Texico District.

Meet the team.


Rev David Hernandez

Rev Alfonzo Ruiz

Section 1

Rev Alexandro Corralejo

Section 2

Rev Juan Briseno

Section 3

Rev Fabby Madrid

Section 4

Rev Paul Rivero

Section 5

Rev Antonio Martinez

Section 6